Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Overcome Public Speaking Fears

I was always terrified of public speaking, but I found myself in situations where I had to get started. I've spoken everywhere from small users groups or lunch presentations to national conferences.

In 2011 I started a radio show offering tips small business owners and entrepreneurs: Piggy Bank Promotions. One of my guests last year was coach Eileen Sinnett, who teaches exactly this topic and written a book about it. Here's how you can access the archive:

Hope this helps.-- Wendy Meyeroff, WM Medical Communications

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Capital Communicators Group: Kudos to Clever Tchotchkes... this year, from Fixation Marketing

Capital Communicators Group: Kudos to Clever Tchotchkes... this year, from Fixation Marketing

Great information! I also posted it to my Facebook site about cost-effective marketing, Piggy Bank Promotions:

BTW, when will we have a CCG Facebook page? Look forward to it!


Friday, March 27, 2009

Seeking ideas for Suite column

My "Healthy Aging" column has begun at Suite In fact next week I enter the second quarter of supplying material. I'm currently culling ideas from more than a decade of experience, including my background from about '97 to '04 writing for Senior Wire News Syndicate.  

Still, I'm always looking for new ideas. If you've got material I could easily turn into a 500 to 700 word feature that doesn't read like an advertorial, I'll be happy to consider it. Take a look at the current features to get an idea of the topics already covered and the format.

If you have a non-profit I could include info from (and even link to) that's something I'm looking to do more of.  I'm also looking for press releases where you give me quotes from an expert that I'm allowed to use. Please note: for the latter you'll have to send me a release form.

If you have any ideas, or questions, just send them to PLEASE put start the Subject head with "Suite 101 Idea" --then add a brief note of the idea.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hello Everyone--Here's who I am

My name is Wendy Meyeroff and I've been a health communicator and marketing strategist since the mid-80's.  One easy way to see who I am is to link to my website:

But here's a little more background: 

1.  Started in editorial, first for the pharmacy industry, then the optical industry.
2.  Found I had skill writing not just in "clinic speak" but in "consumer-speak".  Started writing a syndicated column, Health & Beauty Hotline for three years; reached quarter-million folks weekly.
3.  Moved into B2B marketing and eventually into PR
4.  PR achievements included launching first International Vision Expo.  My campaign, "Best Dressed Eyes in America" took 1 hour's work and the cost of one stamp (pre-'Net, pre-fax!) and was distributed nationally. Got L-rd knows how many placements.
5.  During the PR route, started working on boomer projects--home health care, caregiving, etc.  Discovered a real talent for recognizing the needs of this market.  Have been fascinated with it ever since.  As you might imagine, client base just keeps increasing for someone who knows this niche.  Have worked with Futuro (home health care), Erickson Retirement Communities, American Health Assistance Foundation ("Living with Glaucoma" giveaway.

I'll be looking for others who have an interest in, and experience with, this audience.  Feel free to chime in!
